National Consensus Statement

The Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care’s work on end of life care stemmed from their work in the recognising and responding to clinical deterioration program. They recognised that a significant proportion of patients who deteriorate in hospital are deteriorating because they are at the end of their lives, and that the care they receive may not always be appropriate.

The second edition of the National Consensus Statement: Essential elements for safe and high-quality end-of-life care describes nine guiding principles that provide best practice approach to caring for people approaching the end of their life. These are followed by 10 essential elements that outline the key actions that should be applied by healthcare services providing end of life care.
This second edition has been broadened to ensure its relevance to all health services, including primary and community care and residential aged care facilities. 

The Consensus Statement has been developed for:

  • Healthcare workers who provide care to people approaching the end of their life.
  • Healthcare service executives and managers.
  • Clinical education and training providers, including universities and professional colleges.
  • Health professional registration, regulation and accreditation agencies.
  • Planners, program managers and policymakers working on end-of-life care projects.

The original Consensus Statement was released in 2015.

Further information

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care: End-of-Life Care.