EOLE Hospital Collaborative

Accreditation preparation is an important part of your role. There are EOLE resources which can assist you in meeting the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards and your preparation for hospital accreditation.

The purpose of the EOLE Hospital Collaborative is to:

  • Support a community of practice in excellence in End-of-Life care.
  • Develop and share resources to understand and showcase innovation in meeting the end-of-life care actions within the NSQHS Standards.
  • Partner with hospitals to develop and seek feedback on EOLE resources (e.g. case studies, education modules, templates).
  • Augment partnership between hospitals to develop end-of-life care policies, procedures and approaches to the NSQHS Standards.

Please populate the below form with your hospital and position contact details. Upon registration a welcome pack will be sent to you as a thank you.

If you experience any difficulty completing the form or identifying your hospital please email eolessentials@flinders.edu.au or contact Vanessa Heading, EOLE Project Manager on (08) 8201 5788.

Your privacy is important to us, our Terms and Conditions describes our privacy policy and how we protect  your personal Information. This database is private and for use by EOLE staff only.

  • Hospital/Organisation Submission Form

  • Hospital/Organisation details