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Experts in end-of-life care discuss the importance and benefits of the End-of-Life Essentials project and clinical stories from their personal experience.
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EOLE Care of Older People in Hospital Fact Sheet (264kb pdf) EOLE Self-Care Resources (1.4MB pdf) How EOLE can support meeting the NSQHS Standards (1.2MB pdf)
EOLE_workforce_education_aligning_with_the_NSQHS_Standards (1.2MB pdf) EOLE Education Overview (888kb pdf) EOLE Accreditation Essentials Overview (200kb pdf) EOLE Training Resources at a Glance (459kb pdf) We can help make critical conversations easier - A3 Poster (669kb pdf) Improving the quality and safety of end-of-life care in hospitals - A3 Poster (472kb pdf)
What is important at the end of life (147kb pdf) Assess end-of-life care needs (460kb pdf) Demoralisation (264kb pdf) Patient wishes about end-of-life care (591kb pdf) Skills for health professionals (759kb pdf) Thriving teams with EOLE (613kb pdf)