About the Project

The End-of-Life Essentials Project offers free peer-reviewed online education modules on health care at the end of life in acute hospitals for nurses, doctors and allied health professionals. The content of the modules has been developed from the ACSQHC National End-of-life Consensus Statement. A range of implementation tools are also available to assist managers and clinicians to implement a unified approach to strategies and processes which will inform end-of-life care.

Project Team

The development of complex projects requires a wide range of expertise. The End-of-Life Essentials Project Team comprises the following people:

  • Associate Professor Kim Devery (Project Lead)
    Kim is an academic in Palliative and Supportive Services, Flinders University. The group is internationally recognised for its postgraduate courses in palliative care.
  • Dr Caroline Phelan (Co-Lead)
    Caroline is the Course Coordinator for postgraduate Palliative Care Courses at Flinders University, as well as a Lecturer in Ageing and Palliative Care.
  • Ms Vanessa Heading (Project Manager)
    Vanessa is responsible for the planning, coordination, implementation and monitoring of activity within the End-of-Life Essentials project.
  • Ms Jane Durbridge (Engagement and Communications Officer)
    Jane provides marketing and project support for the End-of-Life Essentials Project.
  • Mrs Megan Winsall (Project Officer)
    Megan provides project support to the End of Life Essentials project.
  • Mrs Courtney Stribley (Education Content Writer)
    Courtney provides ongoing updates and enhancements to the End-of-Life Essentials project education modules and resources.
National Consensus Statement

The Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care’s work on end of life care stemmed from their work in the recognising and responding to clinical deterioration program.

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Clarity and agreement are lacking about the meaning of many terms that are commonly used in relation to end-of-life care. It is important for all those involved in providing end-of-life care to have a common understanding of what such terms mean in practice.

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The End-of-Life Essentials Project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. We acknowledge the generous contribution of time and expertise by the members of the Advisory Group

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The ACSQHC is responsible for the formulation of standards relating to health care safety and quality matters and for formulating and coordinating the accreditation scheme. The Commission has undertaken a comprehensive review of assessment processes and developed six strategies to improve the Australian Health Service Safety and Quality Accreditation (AHSSQA) Scheme’s reliability to more accurately assess an organisation’s compliance with the NSQHS Standards. These strategies are supported by states and territories as well as the private and public sectors. https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/standards/nsqhs-standards